Particles and Physics
Standard Model and Neutrinos:
The Standard Model of particle physics is a fundamental framework describing the behaviour of elementary particles and their interactions through three fundamental forces: electromagnetic, weak, and strong. It classifies particles into quarks, leptons, and force carriers, predicting their properties and interactions with incredible precision. However, the Standard Model does not account for certain phenomena, such as the existence of dark matter or the behaviour of neutrinos, making it an incomplete theory that prompts ongoing research.
Neutrinos, often called "ghost particles," are nearly massless, electrically neutral particles that interact extremely weakly with matter, making them incredibly challenging to detect. They exist in three flavours—electron, muon, and tau neutrinos—and can oscillate between these flavours, a phenomenon that implies they have a small but nonzero mass. This discovery, not predicted by the Standard Model, has profound implications for our understanding of the universe and motivates extensive research into neutrino properties and their role in fundamental physics.
Physics Analysis - Neutrino-Argon Interaction in MicroBooNE:

Physics analysis using data from the Micro Booster Neutrino Experiment (MicroBooNE) collected between 2015 and 2020. My research focuses on the first measurement of the differential cross-section for charged current, single proton, and zero pion (CC1p0pi) interactions where I'm extracting crosssections based on longitudinal and transverse momentum distribution of muon and proton in the final state. By analyzing these individual momentum distributions, this study aims to provide deeper insights into the complexities of neutrino-nucleus interactions, offering a unique perspective to test and refine nuclear effect models across various energy and momentum transfer regimes.
Additionally, comparisons with existing experimental results from MINERvA and theoretical predictions allow for critical validation of nuclear models, enhancing our understanding of kinematic scaling and its dependence on different target nuclei. I have extracted initial cross-section measurements and am currently focusing on detailed generator studies and systematic uncertainty evaluations. This ongoing work aims to improve the precision of the results and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of neutrino-nucleus interactions.
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Project: Study of Matter-antimatter asymmetry through leptogenesis:
I did a project on the study of matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe through Leptogenesis at the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. The project aimed to investigate the connection between neutrino mass generation models and Leptogenesis (lepton-antilepton asymmetry), which, when translated to Baryogenesis (baryon-antibaryon asymmetry), could explain the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe.
I began by studying the foundational principles of the Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics, alongside the basics of cosmology necessary to understand the baryon asymmetry problem and Sakharov's conditions: baryon number violation, CP-violation, and non-equilibrium processes. These conditions must be met to produce a baryon-asymmetric universe. However, the CP-violation from quark mixing and baryon number violation within the SM are insufficient to explain the observed asymmetry. This limitation necessitates exploring physics beyond the Standard Model, with popular models addressing Baryogenesis through Leptogenesis. My project focused on preliminary studies of SeeSaw Mechanism, which not only address the baryon asymmetry but also provide insights into neutrino mass generation mechanisms.
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Internship: Neutrino Oscillation and Quantum Entanglement

During my internship at the Manipal Centre for Natural Sciences, I focused on studying neutrino oscillation within the framework of energy-momentum conservation. My work involved analyzing pion decay while accounting for the entanglement of decay products. Unlike the conventional Pontecorvo theory, we did not assume equal momentum for all mass eigenstates; instead, their energy and momentum were determined through energy-momentum conservation. This approach led to results that deviated from the traditional theory, highlighting that the neutrino mixing matrix depends on interactions and that oscillation requires the disentanglement of quantum states. This research deepened my understanding of neutrino physics and fundamental particle interactions
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